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So you think you know brand strategy? Take our brand quiz!

By Magda Adamska / 8 May 2018 So you think you know brand strategy? Take our brand quiz!

Today, instead of a regular blog post we are launching our first brand quiz.

If you’ve been reading our articles and brand strategy case studies, you shouldn’t have a problem answering the 10 questions below.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to check the correct answers.

If you get all 10 answers right, congratulations, you’re a true brand expert and you can teach others.

8–9 correct answers — Hey, still great.

6–7 correct answers — Some more reading is advised.

5 and fewer correct answers — You probably don’t care about brand strategy that much. However, if you do, we suggest immersing yourself in the topic. BrandStruck is a good place to start!

Here are the questions. Only one answer is correct.

1. Which brand calls itself “The King of Beers”?

a) Heineken
b) Carlsberg
c) Corona
d) Budweiser

2. Coca-Cola’s brand strategy is based on which emotional attribute?

a) Individuality
b) Self-expression
c) Happiness
d) Credibility

3. Interbrand, Millward Brown and Brand Finance publish annual rankings of the world’s most valuable brands. They measure brand value by estimating how much of the brand’s future ….(choose from the list below) can be attributed solely to the brand itself (excluding other factors).

a) Revenue
c) Profit
d) Dividend

4. The brand equity of Louis Vuitton, Johnnie Walker and GoPro is based on which brand archetype?

a) The Explorer
b) The Ruler
c) The Hero
d) The Lover

5. Which one of the following fashion brands is not “Haute Couture” (meaning that it is not an an official member of the Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture)?

a) Chanel
b) Christian Dior
c) Gucci
d) Jean Paul Gaultier

6. Which high street fashion brand positions itself as “lifewear”?

a) Uniqlo
b) H&M
c) Zara
d) Gap

7. HANA, an enterprise computing platform, is a flagship product of which brand?

a) IBM
b) Intel
c) HP
d) SAP

8. HSBC and Amazon are examples of companies that predominantly use which type of brand architecture?

a) House of brands
b) Branded house
c) Sub-brands
d) Endorsed brands

9. According to most rankings of the world’s most valuable brands, what is the most valuable brand in the world?

a) Walmart
b) Amazon
c) Google
d) Apple

10. You’ve just received the results of the Net Promoter Score (NPS) for your brand. Your audience consists of 10% distractors, 60% passives and 30% promoters. What is your NPS?

a) 20
b) 30
c) 60
d) 90

Correct answers:

1. d
2. c
3. c
4. a
5. c
6. a
7. d
8. b
9. d
10 a To calculate the final result, you need to subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters (30-10=20).



If you need help with research or want to hire Magda for a brand project, email her at

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Magda Adamska is the founder of BrandStruck.

BrandStruck ithe only online database of brand strategy case studies.
BrandStruck’s mission is to empower brand builders worldwide with the best brand strategy practices and insights, showcased through 250+ case studies of the world’s most admired brands.

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